All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
To create a MunchMonitor account:
Go to
Username: lcps
Password: munch2066
Click Sign Up to create your own account
You can also download the step by step visual instructions.
We recommend using MunchMonitor because you can:
- Place lunch orders online 24/7 and up to 4 weeks in advance (except for the weekly specials)
- List any allergies to alert Canteen staff
- Obtain reports on your child’s Canteen spending
- Use your Visa or Mastercard to top up the account (or with cash at the Canteen window)
- Get a cashless snack card for your child’s over the counter purchases. This allows you to set daily spend limits and ban nominated foods from being purchased over the counter.
To set up "snack money" on your existing MunchMonitor account:
- Log into MunchMonitor on your device
- Click on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines on a mobile)
- Choose "My Account"; choose "Profile"
- Scroll down to "Students" and click on "Edit"
- Select the option "Allow snack money?" so that it has a tick next to it and how much money per day, and which days the child can make purchases, then save.
Once you have set up "snack money", your child needs to go to the Canteen and ask Karen, our manager, to give them a tag which will be scanned every time snack purchases are made. The MunchMonitor Account needs to be kept topped up.
You can also add your child’s photo to their Student Profile which helps Canteen volunteers match the keytag to the right owner.
Late lunch order: if you miss the 9am lunch order deadline please call the Canteen on 9427 1024.
Lost or forgotten lunches: the Canteen will provide a sandwich and piece of fruit if a student has forgotten or lost their lunch and comes to the Canteen with a note from their teacher authorising the Canteen to provide a replacement lunch. All replacement lunches must be paid for. The Canteen will either debit the student’s MunchMonitor account or send a note home stating the lunch provided and the amount owed to the Canteen.
The Canteen is subsidised by LCPS and the teams of volunteers who help everyday enabling us to offer healthy, affordable meals.
Come and help out at our lovely Canteen.
Visit the Canteen page on the P&C website for further details on the school canteen.