Lane Cove Public School

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Learning support

Learning Support

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)

Learning English is essential for success at school and for further education, training and employment for students who speak a language other than English as their first language. The English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) program at Lane Cove Public School aims to develop EAL/D students’ English language competence across the curriculum, so that they can fully participate in their schooling and become independent learners.

At Lane Cove Public School, the language background and culture of students are valued and seen as an asset to their learning.

Close to 50% of students at Lane Cove Public School have a language background other than English. Of this number, a significant proportion are supported in their English language learning through the EAL/D Program. The program aims to meet the diverse needs of EAL/D students at different stages of learning English. Specialist teachers deliver EAL/D education in a variety of ways: one to one sessions, small groups and in-class team teaching. 

Students who have newly arrived in Australia from non-English speaking countries and have been at an Australian school for less than six months are supported through the New Arrivals Program (NAP). This provides initial, on-arrival intensive English tuition in order to develop their English language skills so that they are able to participate in learning with their peers in mainstream classes.

Parents and families with a language background other than English are welcomed to the school at an annual community morning tea. Parents new to the school are able to meet teachers and other parents and become familiar with school routines as well as connect with other families. 

Satellite Class

The Autism Association of NSW runs two satellite classes on our school site; a K-2 class and a 3-6 class. Satellite classes have up to 6 students with a teacher and full-time aide employed and supported by the association. The selection of students for enrolment is the responsibility of the autism association school. Students spend time at the base school or early intervention service for assessment and development of skills necessary to make the transition into the satellite class. Effective integration with mainstream students is a key facet of the satellite class program.

More information can be obtained from the Autism Spectrum Australia website.