Lane Cove Public School

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Telephone02 9427 2155



Our assemblies recognise student achievement and provide leadership opportunities.

  • The K-2 assembly is on Thursdays (even weeks) at 2:15pm.
  • The 3-6 assembly is on Thursdays (odd weeks) at 2:15pm.

Honour Assemblies

Honour assemblies are held at the end of each term. Three students from each class are selected to receive an award. Each honour assembly focuses on a particular key learning area (KLA). Parents of those students receiving awards are specifically invited to attend. 

Celebration of Learning Assemblies

These are a special end of year grade assemblies to acknowledge and recognise the learning and achievement of all students. Each student will receive a certificate of achievement based on the goals that have been set and worked towards. The notation on the certificate has been negotiated by the teacher and the student following discussion of the student's efforts to achieve set goals. Goals may be not necessarily be achieved in full, but the effort that has gone into working towards the goals is recognised.

Specific dates and times for the celebrations are provided to parents.