LCPS Aerial View

The naming of our school buildings
Many options were discussed - Australian native plants or flowers. Australian artists, Lane Cove artists, pioneers of Lane Cove etc. The then School Grounds Committee finally decided on a theme to represent all the areas of Lane Cove but incorporate several historic names within this theme. The signs were erected in 1989.
Named for one of the most significant spots in the Lane Cove shopping centre for many years - the tram terminus - which was outside the school in Longueville Road (see brass plaque on footpath). Those who grew up in Lane Cove will remember Lane Cove centre being known as The Terminus. The block closest to the Terminus site was given this name.
Although not the first school building, this is the oldest of our current buildings, first occupied by students on July 10, 1891. It has long been known by the year of its construction and in 1990 it was also called the Maths Activity Centre when it was devoted to practical Maths work in implementing the then new Maths syllabus.
Considering its historic value, the Department agreed to restore the 1891 building to heritage colours.
The children of 1907 are pictured against the back of the 1891 building on the back of the history of our school Lane Cove Centenary Book 1876 - 1976, while the building shown on the front cover is the Chapel of the Congregational Church, used as a school room prior to the first school building of 1882. This Chapel still exists as the Pioneers Memorial Chapel in the grounds of the Church next to the school in Longueville Road.
LONGUEVILLE, OSBORNE PARK, BURNS BAY, NORTHWOOD and TAMBOURINE BAY obviously represent those areas of Lane Cove.
LIBRARY and ADMINISTRATION were kept as functional names for practical reasons.
Named in honour of Kit Kirkwood who was the driving force behind the committee which fought many years for funding for the Hall/Canteen and Library/Administration blocks.
Unfortunately, in January 2020 a fire burnt down the school hall. A new hall is currently under construction and will soon be completed.
The site of our school was originally a dairy and the area of the Bull-Ring was an enclosure for the cattle. This area is now the site for our new hall.