EAL/D learners at Lane Cove Primary School
At Lane Cove Public School, the language background and culture of students are valued and seen as an asset to their learning. Within our school 45.5 % of our students are from a language background other than English. 79.5 % are learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). EAL/D students are those whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English and who require additional support to assist them to develop English language proficiency.
EAL/D Education
EAL/D stands for English as an Additional Language and or Dialect. Students who require assistance in developing English language proficiency are supported through our NAP (New Arrivals Program) while others receive in-class support or support through withdrawal in small groups. The program aims to meet the diverse needs of EAL/D students at different stages of learning English.
EAL/D Specialist Teachers at Lane Cove Primary School
EAL/D specialist teachers at Lane Cove Public School have gained additional qualifications in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Our EAL/D specialist teachers work collaboratively with classroom teachers, school leaders and other consultants to provide high quality support for all English language learners.
Language instruction for EAL/D students can involve: co-teaching and programming with the classroom teacher, one-to-one instruction, small group work, in-class support and whole-class instruction.
Classroom teachers and EAL/D specialist teachers track students and monitor their English language development in speaking, listening, reading and writing whilst encouraging them to maintain their first language.
Differentiated learning
At Lane Cove Public School, there are several ways we differentiate our teaching for our EAL/D students to help them better understand the syllabus content. This is achieved in many ways:
· Access to technology – Student laptops, iPads, audio/visual equipment
· Apps – Google Translate
· Visual aids
· Picture dictionaries
· Bilingual books
· Word Walls
· Language/vocabulary board games
· Interactive student group work
Interpreting and Translating services
If you require an interpreter for school business, please contact the school office on (02) 9427 2155
For more information
Please visit this website.
If you would like to contact the EAL/D team, please email:
lanecove-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au attention EAL/D staff.